Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year - 2013

Remember the laughter,
the joy,
the hard work,
and the tears.
And as you reflect on the past year,
also think of the new one to come.
Because most importantly,
this is a time of new beginnings
and the celebration of life.

*as I reflect back, there was a lot of learning experience that  I received from 2012.
 I met a lot of interesting people..made more new interesting friends...
 Mended relationships...
Building assets...
I feel BLESSED... :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On Women and Muslimah

A British man came to Sheikh and asked:

Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands

with a man?

The Sheikh said:

Can you shake hands with Queen 

British man said:

Of course no, there are only certain people who can shake 

hands with Queen Elizabeth.

Sheikh replied:

Our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with 

strange men.

Then the British man asked the Sheikh:

Why do your girls cover up their body and hair?

The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first 

one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on 

the dusty floor and asked the British:

If I ask you to take one of the sweets which one will you 


The British replied:

The covered one.

The Sheikh said:

That's how we treat and see our woman.

*got this from the Internet *

Let"s just share this simple message..shall we?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

‎*Lagu Spongebob Squarepants Versi Terengganu, Kelantan dan Kedah


ENGLISH version

Are you ready kids?

"Aye Aye Captain"

I Can't hear you


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea

"Spongebob squarepants"

Absorbant and yellow and porous is he

"Spongebob Squarepants"

If nautical nonsense be something you wish

"Spongebob Squarepants"

Then flop on the deck and plop like a fish

"Spongebob Squarepants"


Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants
Spongebob squarepants


sedia dok g budok-budok?
sedia kapteng!
.sedia doh la kapteng!!
peye hok duk dalang nanah bawoh lauk!!
spongebob sluor pettok!!
senang menghesap kaler kuning..
spongebob sluor pettok!!
kalu sek-sek mu suke nde pelek hok dalang lauk
spongebob sluor pettok!!
meh la noppak pe ikang
spongebob sluor pettok!!
spongebob sluor pettok (3x)
spongebob... sluor pettok

KELATE version

Ready dok budok-budok?
Ho laa, kepten!
Gapo dio? HO LAA, KEPTEN!
Podio dok dale buoh lanah bowoh laut?
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Sene meresap bewarno kuning.
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Kalu demo suko bendo laut hok ngarut.
Spongebob Sluar kotok!
Pah mari la pakat nopat supo ike.
Spongebob Sluar Kotok!
Sponge............bob Sluar kotok (3x)
Spongebobbb Sluar kotok

KEDAH version

Hampa redi dah ka weii??
Haa kapten,
Apadia?Tak dengaq nie!!
Haaa la kapten..
Sapa hat dok dalam nanaih wah laut?
"Spanbob Seluaq Petak"
Belubang,meghesap paihtu wana kunin
"Spanbob Seluaq Petak"
Kalau hampa suka benda laut hat ngarut
"Spanbob seluaq Petak"
Mai la sini teghejun cam ikan temenung
"Spanbob seluaq Petak"
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob seluaq Petak
Spanbob seluaq Petak

Spanbob seluaq Petak!

*got this from the Internet * Happy Weekend :)

your life is so much fun to watch when you're on the verge of a really big, huge dream coming true...!
WHEN PURSUING YOUR DREAMS via the B-Quadrant...remember its a journey...and its always better to have a FUN filled journey... right?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


As an adult...(hopefully) sooner or later reality is going to hit. (At least that is my experience.) It has come to a point that the main reason why I slave in my job is because of 'Security'. The promise of a monthly consistent paycheck  has made me willingly sacrifice my freedom.

My freedom to control my time.

My freedom to do what ever I want.

Don't get me wrong...there is nothing wrong with a job...especially if you value Security. But if a Job is your only means of generating income/cashflow to yourself...that's about the only thing you'll have...Security...and yup, some people earn a lot, and as the diagram at the above shows, a job does have perks and benefits such as Bonus...Increments...but you have to pay a price..the biggest price of all which is your time.

What ever your position/, engineer, consultant, CEO, janitor,'ll be selling your time...(most will sell their time at LEAST from 9-5 until you're retired...(or dead).

BUT what CHOICE do we have?

A lot of my friends, including myself (at one point in time) dreams of having FREEDOM.

What does that mean? What is Freedom?For me...Freedom means being able to actually be in control of my own time.

But how do we do that? obtain Freedom...because...Freedom is the price to pay to obtain Security.

Well...accordingly to Kiyosaki its about generating passive income.

And how do we do that...many ways..but for the average sure way to get passive income is to develop Business with Systems....

Actually there's a lot more that can be written here....but I am just refer to the chart above and have a look at the video at this link (click here) ..its all about getting the right kind of education...

*my first real ramblings for 2013 :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..Happy Eid :)

Ramadhan is about to end, and Muslims the
world over celebrate with the coming of Syawal.

This particular Ramadhan has been a humbling
experience for me.

I learned a lot.

I learned that God works in mysterious ways.

I learned to trust others.

I learned humility.

I learned to Love and to Forgive.

I learned to accept Love and to accept Forgiveness.


ALHAMDULILLAH... Happy Eid to all. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Amazing Ramadhan Olympics 2012

Woroud Sawalha knows she won't win a medal at the London Olympics. She isn't likely to 

get beyond the first round of the 800 meters.

But for the 20-year-old and her three teammates, just competing under the Palestinian 

flag is a source of pride.

The appearance itself is controversial: the U.N. does not recognize a Palestinian state but 

athletes have been allowed to compete under a Palestinian flag by the International 

Olympic Committee and soccer's ruling body FIFA since 1996 and 1998 respectively.

"It means a lot for me that I am female and representing Palestine," she told CNN's 

Aiming For Gold. "I will represent my hometown Asira ash-Shamaliya, Palestine and my 


Asira ash-Shamaliya is a village of fewer than 10,000 inhabitants in the northern West 

Bank, where protests and tear gas form part of everyday life in a region still fighting for 

independence from Israel after two decades of struggle.

Sawalha, who will be immediately recognizable by her black headscarf, long-sleeved top 

and long trousers, knows that when she steps up to the line in London, she won't just be 

representing herself.

"This will reflect on my female friends and on sports in Palestine," she said. "Maybe the 

view of girls will change from practicing sports in a more professional way and more 

freely in front of people."

The International Olympic Committee is hopeful that the 2012 Games will be the first to 

feature female athletes on every team.

Three teams have never sent women. Palestinians have competed in the Olympics under 

their flag since 1996, sending their first female athlete in 2000.

However, Sawalha believes the fact that she was only told six months ago that she would 

be going to London is a sign of how lightly women's sport is taken in the Palestinian 


She had her first taste of top-level international competition earlier this year at the world 

indoor championships in Istanbul.

She clocked two minutes 51.87 seconds in her heat for a personal best that was still 

more than 53 seconds slower than the gold medal-winning time.

Given her lack of preparation and the scant training resources available in her homeland, 

Sawalha knows a medal is beyond her, so her target is to further improve her personal 


"Miracles do happen, and with God's help I will hopefully get a good result," she said. 

"Since they selected me for the Olympics, my running time has gone from four minutes to 

just under three, so I've seen a big improvement."

Training on pot-holed roads in Gaza, dodging cars and horses and carts, Bahaa al-Farra 

knows that only so much improvement is possible.

Like Sawalha, the 400-meter runner must rely on an invitation from the IOC to compete in 

London because neither has reached the required qualifying standard.

When he isn't running, al-Farra works out in a dingy public gym with shabby white 

concrete walls.

"I need a proper track to train on," he said. "At the moment I just run on the roads or on 

sand. Also, proper starting blocks are unavailable in Gaza."

So when he arrives in London, he'll not only have the daunting prospect of a first Olympic 

Games to consider but he'll also have to quickly get accustomed to unfamiliar conditions.

"Hopefully, the lack of training tools won't affect me, and I can prove to the world that we 

can compete even without them," he said.

For al-Farra, competing in London won't leave him completely fulfilled. He hopes it is only 

the start of a long athletics career.

"My dream is to become a world-known runner and compete with world champions in 

overseas competitions and hopefully I can achieve my dream in the near future," he said.

"My dream is to do something for Palestine and show the world that Palestine deserves to 

live and stand on the podium." *Collected from the Internet

Monday, July 16, 2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

ATAI pandai joget..CAN dance

I LOVE this....

Whenever someone does something from the HEART...
Others can sense it...

Others will give their LOVE and SUPPORT...

Absolutely powerful performance that is truly from the heart.

*practise makes perfect.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Heart of Truth

*got this from my sister

What I have learned in this journey towards B-Quadrant mastery...being truthful, honest, and having integrity is the only way to be truly successful.

In fact, these qualities are needed to be successful not just in business but in life...


Thursday, July 5, 2012

2 RACIST! Must SEE (Do NOT watch if u have a WEAK heart)

Gave u a fright?

Quite a nice scare right?

I bet you're smiling now :) ...and perhaps slightly cursing...
Lesson learned: notice what you're saying to yourself in that split second that you got shocked :)

You may find a different side of you..and it may start a long pondering process :)

*my Friday morning ramble*
*In Malay KeyEll - contextual translation*

Kejjuut dok?/ terkejut?

Tersenyum?...takpun sedikit bengang :)

Pembelajaran: cuba singkap apa yang terlintas di hati/minda di detik sewaktu anda 'terkejut'

Anda mungkin akan 'perasan' sesuatu tentang diri anda yang tidak pernah anda perasan selama ini.. dan ini mungkin memulakan suatu proses pemikiran yang baru :)

(jangan perasan suda)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

About Pain / Tentang Kepedihan

I must become objective. I must become aware of the pain I am experiencing, because in the middle of that pain is where I can find my passion, my pleasure, and my joy.
I must look into the heart of darkness at some point and realize that a series of events created this identity I am living in.
No matter where I am on my journey, no matter what city I live in, if I'm living in denial, it's time for me to change. Its time for me to begin to let go.
It is in letting go that I will find the light in the heart of the darkness.
There is an end to every tunnel-the key is to find the light,
focus in it,
and create a practical plan to journey towards it,
step by step,
day by day.

Adapted from: Stop Wasting Time and Start Your Life *Jeffery Combs

*In Malay*

Aku mesti menjadi lebih objektif. Aku perlu sedar tentang kepedihan yang aku alami, kerana di tengah-tengah kepedihan itu adalah tempat dimana aku boleh mencari semangatku, perasaan berbesar hati, dan kegembiraan.

Bakal menjelang ketika, di mana aku perlu melihat ke dalam kegelapan hatiku, dan menyedarkan diriku sendiri
tentang siri-siri peristiwa yang mewujudkan identiti kehidupanku.

Tidak kira di mana aku dalam perjalananku, tidak kira dimana tempat tinggalku, jika aku masih kekal hidup dalam penafian, maka ia adalah masa untuk aku berubah.

Masanya bagi aku untuk mula melepaskan.

Dengan melepaskan, aku membebaskan diriku untuk mencari cahaya di tengah-tengah kegelapan.

Setiap terowong memiliki penghujung-kunci untuk mencari cahaya di penghujung terowong, adalah dengan memberi tumpuan ke arahnya,dan mewujudkan satu pelan yang praktikal untuk mengembara ke arah itu,langkah demi langkah,hari demi hari.

Friday, June 15, 2012


I seriously love this song :)
A pretty good attempt from your's truly :)


Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading
From all the things that we are
Are not saying
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?

Change the colors of the sky
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive
The ways I loved you
For all the things that never died
To make it through the night
Love will find you

What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late
What about now?

The sun is breaking in your eyes
To start a new day
This broken heart can still survive
With a touch of your grace
Shadows fade into the light
I am by your side
Where love will find you


Now that we're here
Now that we've come this far
Just hold on
There is nothing to fear
For I am right beside you
For all my life
I am yours

What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love had never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?

What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love had never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late
Baby, before it's too late
Baby, before it's too late
What about now?

Friday, June 8, 2012

BERSIH? Please la!!! This is BETTER

The pre MErdeka celebration...GEN Y STYLE!!!

I'd love to support this!!!! CELEBRATE pre MERDEKA... with STyLE :)