Tuesday, March 27, 2012


My humble beginnings was definitely like this.

So much has changed but the concept remains the same.

Facebook or no facebook, the intention is the same - just the method slightly differs.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

I've noticed, through reading, observing, and living the life I've lived so far... how those who give 100% just to "get by" in life, usually do? How those who are willing to do just about anything to work on their relationships, usually do? And how those who seem to make it their life's mission to add more years to theirs, often succeed?

I thought so...

Then I wonder, too, why they don't just give 100% to living in abundance, MAKING THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE, do just about anything to celebrate their relationships, and make it their mission to add more life to their years...etc...etc...etc... huh?
Just another one of life's amazing mysteries, I guess -                           

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

About thinking

Actually, come to think about it, my only "job" in this intergalactic affair called life is thinking. 

That's it. That's all there is. 

And should I learn to focus my thinking, to dwell upon what I want instead of what I don't want, and to live as if my thoughts are more real than the prior manifestations that surround me, my life will become easy, floodgates will burst open, and if I want, everyone shall know my name.

Somebody must have been loving me, BIG TIME, when this old world began spinning.