As an adult...(hopefully) sooner or later reality is going to hit. (At least that is my experience.) It has come to a point that the main reason why I slave in my job is because of 'Security'. The promise of a monthly consistent paycheck has made me willingly sacrifice my freedom.
My freedom to control my time.
My freedom to do what ever I want.
Don't get me wrong...there is nothing wrong with a job...especially if you value Security. But if a Job is your only means of generating income/cashflow to yourself...that's about the only thing you'll have...Security...and yup, some people earn a lot, and as the diagram at the above shows, a job does have perks and benefits such as Bonus...Increments...but you have to pay a price..the biggest price of all which is your time.
What ever your position/, engineer, consultant, CEO, janitor,'ll be selling your time...(most will sell their time at LEAST from 9-5 until you're retired...(or dead).
BUT what CHOICE do we have?
A lot of my friends, including myself (at one point in time) dreams of having FREEDOM.
What does that mean? What is Freedom?For me...Freedom means being able to actually be in control of my own time.
But how do we do that? obtain Freedom...because...Freedom is the price to pay to obtain Security.
Well...accordingly to Kiyosaki its about generating passive income.
And how do we do that...many ways..but for the average sure way to get passive income is to develop Business with Systems....
Actually there's a lot more that can be written here....but I am just refer to the chart above and have a look at the video at this link (click here) ..its all about getting the right kind of education...
*my first real ramblings for 2013 :)