Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shit Malaysians Say In Singapore

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Malaysians Studying Overseas Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.


Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Malaysian Parents Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Malaysians Say in Gym

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.


Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Singaporeans Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Singaporean Girlfriends Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Malaysian Girlfriends Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Singaporean Boyfriends Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Boyfriends Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Shit Melayus Say

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

SHIT video series

Caution,..this posting is intended for immature audience only and is best viewed via laptop/desktop/pads/tabs.
It is not intended for educational purposes, merely to jab and stimulate FUN.
If you are easily offended, mudah tersinggung or terkeliru, probably best to CLOSE the WINDOW right now.

Click here for SHIT, Melayu says
Click here for SHIT, Boyfriend says
Click here for SHIT, Singaporean Boyfriend says
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian Girlfriend says
Click here for SHIT, Singaporean Girlfriend says
Click here for SHIT, Singaporean says
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian says
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian says in Gym
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian Parent says
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian Teenagers says
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian Studying Overseas says
Click here for SHIT, Malaysian Say in Singapore

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Berkongsilah di bulan Ramadhan *k-pop style

13 Anugerah Allah SWT kepada mereka yang bersedekah 
1-  Para Malaikat sentiasa berdoa supaya ditambahkan rezeki kepada pemberi sedekah.
2- Merupakan kemenangan ke atas syaitan.
3- Memadam kemurkaan Allah SWT.
4- Merupakan rawatan atau penyembuh kepada segala penyakit.
5- Mengawal kehormatan dan maruah.
6- Memperbaiki amalan anda sebelum mati.
7- Pelindung kepada api neraka.
8- Menempah tempat dibawah Bayangan Allah SWT.
9- Memberi keberkatan kepada pemilik harta.
10- Melembutkan hati yang keras.
11- Menyamankan kediaman dalam kubur dan memadam api dalam kubur.
12- Menghapuskan segala kesalahan  menghapuskan segala dosa.
13- Menolak bala dan melindungi pemberi sedekah serta ahli keluarga daripada ditimpa bala bencana.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Motivational...Period! - Attitude

 Counting the days till Ramadhan..the month where endurance is practised... its all about attitude...and 'your attitude is like the aroma of your hearts...'

Your ATTITUDE stinks = Your HEART stinks

*Can I Count On You?... YES!