Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Rich Have an Unfair Advantage - Financial Education

I find this video to be very interesting...

I got it from ... very well said, especially coming from someone as established as Kiyosaki.

I have yet to have met Kiyosaki in person...but I have learned from people who were personally mentored by him. I have also learned personally from people whom Kiyosaki calls his 'family n friends'.

In essence...Kiyosaki's teachings, especially via his books has been influential in my decision of taking this journey...

Kiyosaki has always maintained that the key is to work for assets. So, first and of the earliest item to understand is...what's an asset?
 (  ASSET = something that continously generate money, LIABILITY = something that takes away your money )

I had a sad lesson when an untimely demise of a close relative recently proved one thing...most, do not have assets... And when u x have assets, when u leave this world...the one's u leave behind...they won't have much to depend on...

I've approached numbers of people on the subject of assets and most say..."Oh...I have insurance" long do u think ur insurance/mutual fund etc etc will last?

Well...than again I x really blame them as just as Kiyosaki said...most x have Financial Education... is it really that hard to learn financial education?

Not of the easiest way to understand Financial Education (that I discovered) in order to develop Financial Intelligence is to play games...

And one of the games that's fun and interesting is the Cashflow 101.
Its an extremely fun and addictive game.

and its more fun if there's an experience person who can lead and 'debrief' the game.

Me and people who are close to me have organized a few outings/parties to play this game? Why? coz it beats watching tv :p

Some people actually charge a bomb to play this about making money...nothing wrong with charging money to play this game...but for me that's not my path...

I just want to share the experience of playing this game with others...

So...whoever who wants to play this game... Holla me...let's see how we can work this out...


Friday, February 3, 2012

The Go-Giver

Just finished reading this book.. and amazingly when I reached to page 90...the content really gave me an impact.

Starting from Page 92 - you are ur most important commodity.

(mcm la x pernah dengar statement ni..however, the book's storylike manner caused this phrase to really sip in,

It emphasize that when you set any goal, in order to reach that goal it takes:-
10% of specific knowledge @ technical skills

 90 plus % is PEOPLE SKILLS


What's the foundation of all people skills?
          - Liking People?

          -Caring about people?

          -Being a Good Listener?

These are helpful....but they're not the CORE of it....
So what's the CORE of people skills? the CORE of people skills is

it starts with YOU!!!
         the most valuable thing that u have to give people is YOURSELF          
                                           No matter what u think ur selling, what ur really offering is YOURSELF....
(and in page 92 onwards....there are a lot of things that really moved  me)
(and in page 94 too)
There's also a question on page 105 that really struck me:
                                        When you were young...what did you learn about  
                                                -the answer was logical and gave me quite a 
                                                wake up call...which makes me realize...I need 
                                                 to read that part again :p

And...on page 90...there's this questions in which the answers that were provided is so ABSOLUTELY powerful:

"What does the marketplace always has and always will want?"
(a)  How To be a FRIEND
(b)  How to CARE
                                         (c) How to make people feel good about themselves

 and within the environment that I choose to put myself into (in order to be in the B-Quadrant)...I saw all these qualities in the successful people there...ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! no wonder they're so successful...

However in essence...the book, in its simple story telling manner....tells us of the 


1. The Law of Value
Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment

2. The Law of Compensation
Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them

3. The Law of Influence
Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interest first

4.The Law of Authenticity
The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself

5.The Law of Receptivity
The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving

Happy Reading!!!
p.s....its quite an easy read...simple English....not so thick...