Saturday, May 26, 2012

Aku Tersentuh...( I am Touched)

Powerful...Emotional...Amazing...and Moving.... was aware of this for quite a while back...but since it was highlighted by my mentor this morning... It sure must be worth to share :)

LESSON: PASSIONATELY RUN TOWARDS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT!!! Even if you're talented but you don't have the PASSION...nothing happens.... PASSION....

*Passion is Ghairah rasanya in Malay....maka...berlarilah dengan penuh KEGHAIRAHAN ke arah Impianmu..ohhhhh.....(peluk bantal peluk)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

On Christopher Columbus - Happy Sunday Morning!

Happy Sunday Morning!!!!

(Found this on Facebook)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Teacher's Day :) an additional devotion to my Mak the Teacher and ALL Teachers

Again the perks of having multiple celebrations....

Looking on at facebook for a 'break' just now...and I noticed tons of 'Happy Teacher's Day' wishes...Gosh...since I don't go to school anymore...or have any kids (which means I need to get married :) ) so I'm not that in touch with the local school system...except for one BIG CONNECTION...


So..My Mak is a Teacher.

From as far as I can remember, I grew up being the 'anak cikgu' (teacher's kid)... growing up in the 80s (and 90s) I got used to comments such as 'dah pandai baca...dah Mak dia cikgu' (he already knows how to read...well he's a teacher's kid after all) in a way...there's a certain expectation of being a teacher's kid.

At school...u can't really be naughty...because you're going to school where your Mom works...

Its so easy for Mak to check on me...especially about my grades and my teachers are her friends...unlike other kids...I can't hide my report cards...I can't be that naughty...and when you have your Mom at school and you bump into her... you can get the 'evil eye'... you know...when your Mom disapproves of something... guys are got the 'evil eye' only at home... I got it at home and at school... thing for Mom is pretty well known in the neighborhood and among neighbours...

Before she got her car...I remembered walking together in the mornings with her to school... I guess for her its like 'take your kid to work...everyday!'...there's quite an age gap between me and my siblings so I pretty much have her for myself at school :)

But walking to school everyday with Mom also means every morning I get comments like...'jalan betul-betul,,,jangan lompat' (walk properly...don't jump)... or 'baju tu...betul betul sikit' (tidy up your shirt)...gosh...those were the days..

I don't get any extra treatments from her though...she's very fact...I felt she's slightly harder on me at school since she's my mom...

But for all its worth...EVERYONE envied me...especially during standard 1... 7 years Mom is my Class Teacher...who can beat that!!!? But all my friends loved her...I guess, she's more of an auntie than a teacher for them... the ones I keep in touch with still talk about her.

I remembered as a university grad on a break... I was driving towards the pasar malam (evening Market) with Mak..than out of nowhere...a very LOUD SHOUT...."CIKGU RAHHHMMMAAAHHHH" (Teacher Rahmah)...and I saw this kid running in his house' yard and waving frantically...

We both laughed...

Mak takes her job a  teenager I always dread when I have to go and buy stuff for her students... she stay up late at nights to sew their school sports uniform...cook mee hoon goreng(fried noodles) for them... and so many stuff she did out of devotion...GUYS you're lucky she's your cikgu (teacher) ok!!! She even get her 'perks'...infact...if we have trouble with of her 'x-students' have a car workshop...I go there and the owner/worker will go...'owhhh anak cikgu...Mak sihat?' (owhh...Teacher's's your Mom)...see they don't even want to know my name...sigh....'re special...and I know I'm special too... coz I get a Mak and Teacher all rolled into one...

To all the 'anak cikgu's out there' we're all Special!!!!

MAK...and all the teachers out there in my life...HAPPY TEACHER's DAY!!!!

Cikgu Hajah Rahmah binti Abdullah - MY MAK the TEACHER
Don't be jealous..I'm a teacher's kid (korang jgn jeles...aku anak cikgu) - Mak aku pencen bulan depan (My  Mak is retiring next month)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saving Fuel

This is something I got from the sort of make that's the reason I want
 to share this... (alternatively you can copy the picture on the left and zoom)

Fuel consumption has a lot to do with the car you buy, but whatever you drive there are things you can do to save money and reduce energy use, CO2 emission and pollution.

Below are the simple ideas that you can try out for yourself and feel the difference:-

1) Before You Drive
 - Lose excess weight and streamline
 - Don't start the engine until you're ready to go as idling wastes fuel and the engine warms up
       more quickly when you're moving.
       In the winter, scrape ice rather than leave the car idling to warm up.

2) Don't Get Lost!!!
 -Plan ahead of unfamiliar journeys to reduce the risk of getting lost and check the traffic news
 before you leave

3) Combine Short Trips
 - Cold starts use more fuel so it pays to combine errands such as buying the paper, dropping
off the recycling, or collecting the kids.

4) Consider Alternative Mode of Transport
- Consider alternatives: if its a short journey (less than a km) could you walk or cycle rather than taking a car?'ll be exercising.

1) Stick to Speed Limits
    - Speeding can lower your gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds and by 5% around town
    and increases pollution.
    -Driving at 70mph (112km/h) uses up to 9% more fuel than 60mph (96.5km/h), and up to
    15% more than at 50mph (80.46km/h).
                        -Cruising at 80mph (128.7km/h) can use up to 25% more fuel than at 70mph (112km/h)

2) Easy Does It
- Drive smoothly, accelerate gently and read the road ahead to avoid unnecessary braking.
Decelerate smoothly - when you have to slow down or to stop, decelerate smoothly by
releasing accelerator in time, leaving the car in gear.
- If you can keep the car moving all the time, so much the better; stopping than starting again
uses more fuel than rolling.

3) Try Changing Up at an Engine Speed of Around 2,000rpm (petrol) 2,500rpm (diesel)
4) Cut the Aircon
 - Air conditioning increases fuel consumption at low speeds, but at higher speeds the effects
 are less noticeable. So if its a hot day, open the windows around town and save the air
 conditioning for high speed driving.
 - Also, electrical loads increase fuel consumption, so turn off your heated rear windscreen,
 demister blowers and headlights when not required.

 5) Don't Be Idle
 -  If you do get caught in a queue, avoid wasting fuel - turn the engine off if it looks like you
 could be waiting for more than 3 minutes

 1) Although it used to be quite a common practice to save fuel, rolling downhill or approaching a
  junction with the car out of gear is inadvisable because the driver doesn't have full control of the

 You Can Lose the ability to Accelerate Out of Tricky Situations.

 You lose engine braking which risks brake fade on downhill stretches - overheated brakes
 require harder pedal pressures to stop the vehicle.

 With changes in vehicle fuel systems, coasting won;t save fuel these days either.

Modern diesel engines also have the ability to shut off the fuel when you take your foot off the

Take your foot off the accelerator and the ECU cuts the fuel supply to the injectors anyway so
there's nothing to be gained by coasting.

Modern car with electronic engine management - fuel and ignition systems are effectively
combined and controlled by one Electronic Control Unit (ECU)

1) Get the car serviced regularly (according to the manufacturer's schedule) to maintain engine

2)Engine Oil: make sure you use the right specification engine oil (check the handbook

3) Tyre : Check tyre pressures regularly and before long journeys; under inflated tyres create more
rolling resistance and so use more fuel (check the handbook and increases pressures for heavier
loads as recommended)

A set of tyres that are 10psi under-inflated will have the same effect as increasing the cost of fuel by 3%

1) Isn't it obvious? but this of course requires planning, mutual effort and co-operation... Tedious in the beginning maybe...but definitely worth the effort...but don't be a cheapskate...everyone in the carpool should contribute what they can afford... :)


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day - an ever glowing devotion to my Mak :)

I for to celebrate...New Year, Raya, Chinese New in a multiracial country has its perks :)...and now I get to celebrate Mother's Day... u ever really need to celebrate Mother's Day...shouldn't everyday be Mother's Day???

History shows us that Mother's Day can be tracked back to the Greeks...perhaps even earlier.

Sometimes I wonder what makes my Mak (mommy in malay) a good What Makes My Mak a Good Mother? Simple question to ask, but a question that can't be captured in a few words. My mother comes from a siblings of all 'ladies'. I see my Mak and my aunties...they comprise of a bundle of emotions that sometimes defy reason. I truly believe this extends to all mothers...who have kept wake all night with their sick toddlers in their arms, constantly soothing their toddlers with their soothing voice.

I remembered...I did not grow up rich....average at most...and I was sickly at times...but there was one particular moment...I Mak carried me in a mini bus to a clinic...when I had high was all we could afford... the mini bus was 50 sen per passenger per trip...the clinic was RM1 per treatment...or something around that price...(it was a government clinic)...My Mak was not a typical big lady...she was one of those small and sweet Asian ladies... but she somehow managed to carry me all the way to the clinic...which was quite a distance... Goshhhh.... I love u MAK!!!

At kindergarten...Mak devotedly taught me how to tie my shoelaces... Guess what? I never could...if I come home with properly tied shoes...she'll ask, "Siapa ikat kasut Fali?""cikgu ke" (who tied your shoe laces, Fali? the Teacher?) HMMM...Mak...sekarang Fali da pandai ikat tali kasut okay :) ( I know how to tie my shoe laces)

My Mak is no longer she worries why I am not married yet...(guess what Mak...I worry too :) )

My Mak is a working mother and housewife at the sametime...

My Mak grew up without a Mother...but she became a champion Mother...

My Mak always fusses over me....just now she gave me some guavas...seeing that I am doing some work at my laptop....goshhhh....I love u Mak!!!

I couldn't afford anything expensive this year like a car or something...not I bought her dark of her favourite things....hmmm...Mak...kita share the chocolate OK? I also like themmm..

Puan Hajah Rahmah Abdullah aka Datin Rahmah Abdullah


Ur First Born SON!!!