Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What if Money was no Object?

My reflection upon watching this video..'the only reason I ever work in  a job is for the money'...perhaps you like/love your job...good for you...but would u do your job for free? I mean if you really like/love your job would you go to your boss and say "u x have to pay me ever...I absolutely and fantastically love this job...so I'll do it for FREE"... I have asked this question and posed this scenario to countless people...friends, family and strangers alike.... so now when you're reading this...ponder...what about u? do u work because u need the money? or if money was no object would u consider or actually will be doing something else?

                                            IF MONEY was NO OBJECT...heck I no I WOULDn't be ever
                                            be WORKing in a JOB!!!

                                            First thing on the list: GET ENOUGH SLEEP and wake up when I'm actually
                                                                            done sleep.

                                            Next: TRAVEL...anywhere I want, where ever I want, when ever I want...with no worries of applying leaves, workloads of tasks upon my return...that would be FANTASTIC

                                            I can name at least 100 things to do...have...I call it 100 DREAMS for me to have if money was no object...what about you? what's your 100 DREAM...at least what's ur 1st DREAM if money was no object? Do you DARE to share it? How do you make it REAL?

:) ponder...coz I'm making my dreams real NOW!!! :) 

And as my mentor taught me...one of the first things to do is to CHANGE MY WORDS


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