Gosh...got to mandi now...but soo lazy...
Today is my younger sister's Wedding Rehearsal...
and despite it already being slight kelam kabut (my choleric mode full steam here :p ) .... the universe has a funny way of testing us.. so instead of this evening, the bloody management (pandai betul employee kat Maju Junction tu) went to change it to this morning...
Talk about being irresponsible....
But anyway, the day aftr xmas...went for a gathering organized by a couple of friends...
I arrived late as had to finish up a few things... but when I arrived I was suddenly thrown into a game... with all these kids around me... and that was such a REJUVENATING feeling... from being all 'adult like and booooring' to suddenly being a FUN LOVING CHILD...
yuppp...I quite enjoyed myself!
Cheers!! Looking forward to my sister's wedding and 2012.
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