Monday, January 9, 2012

Life is a Process

My life is a learning process.

I can only become wiser from learning.

Sometimes I might have to attract making a painful mistake to learn something important, but after the mistake I have far greater wisdom
                                                     Wisdom cannot be bought with money - it can only be acquired through  
                                                     living life.

With wisdom comes strength, courage, knowing, and an ever-increasing peace...
No Pain... No Gain

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Sister's WedDing slideshow.... 5 LOVE LANGUAGE

Kan ke hari tu crite about my younger's sister's wedding...

Well ni le slide show during the reception...

Praise God... I love her...and I thank God she has found her soul mate.

Sweeeet sesangat slideshow die...

Well for the journey of marriage....there's obviously a great advantage if knowledge on personality type is mastered...kan kan kan?

But..additionally...knowledge on LOVE LANGUAGE is also of equal importance...

So.....LOVE LANGUAGE tu hape?

Simple...there are 5 primary love languages...and everyone 'speaks' in mainly 2 dominant love language...
                        Words of Affirmation   Gifts
                            Physical Touch
                               Act of Service     QualityTime

Notice how sometimes in 'older' marriage (alah...macam if we look in drama2 tu...tak kesah la drama bahasa apa pun)... statement-statement tak hengat seperti berikut:-

 u dah tak sayang I...      
You don't love me anymore...
              dulu tak macam ni...
  You weren't like this before...
 ஏன் இப்போது இப்படி இருக்கிறது?

   mencikkkkkk (benci) كراهية  
                                                                           dan memacam lagi lah.....

haishhhh...chances are diorang x paham pasal Love Language...

So if its so important...How come not many people know about this???...

Well...its never taught in schools rite? or varsities for that matter... and if u really look...most things that make life easier aren't taught in schools...things like intelligence...etc...because these type of knowledge is the domain of the top 10% of the population...

So like what my mentor said...if u want to be the top 10% - do what the 10% does....hmmm... Makes sense...




kalu tak tahu... baik amik tahu ...............kalau dah tahu...jgn buat2 tak tahu...baik tak yah tahu...

(Nanti...bila aku dah besar :p...dah leh kahwin...mesti aku power kan?...pasal aku dah mula belajar Love Language ni)

Thanking my mentor for finding me and putting me into this B-Quadrant Journey program that includes the mastery of the 5 LOVE LANGUAGE... Thank you so much!!!

Sape nak join belajar habaq mai...who wants to learn tell me... :p

rindu nak mandi sungai lagi...
 -bukan aku yg ajar...mentor aku la yg ajar-

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How To Understand Others By Understanding Yourself


once upon a morning
Amazing what a less than 3 hours of sleep can do you...

Yet surprisingly...I feel energetic...hmmmm....  I know I should catch a few winks before my head goes to a spin.

But hey...that's life in the E-Quadrant for you...what more in the profession that I am in.... hence I am sooooo glad of the knowledge and wisdom given to me by my mentors in my journey to the B-Quadrant.

I've learnt that kalu mengantuk pun ok... janji jangan marah-marah...

Kalu rasa nak marah-marah jer...I realize, its not really me...its my personality...

hehehehe... and every moment I am aware of this.. I am in control...

Syok gak this knowledge... Got it from my mentors, the book Personality Plus, and the DISC profile I did sometime ago.... and in the journey to the thing I realized is...its not about knowing....its about practising what you know...

So how do u practise and master 'personality'?

Obviously... U need a mentor who's far more experienced and skilled than you...

and I am I have those... If you don't have these type of people around you...than make a choice to surround them :-) ... Make a conscious choice... and they in turn will also surround you.

God has blessed me with the gift of having mentors...

The book  Personality Plus  is extremely interesting...with knowledge more than a thousand years old I guess...tapi syok baca... u can instantly relate to its content, with its easy style of writing...what I realize, there is a difference between who yourself and your personality...

The book lists out the 4 personality type...and you get to identify yours... than you start seeing a lot of oohss and ahhhss if you start reflecting... What I realized is...a lot of B-Quadrant people master this particular knowledge...and hey...if the top 10% are doing it...I should too...

(my morning blabber...chowwww)
Highly recommended reading, even if ur content with E and S quadrant...and when u practice it... U'll be a better person...


Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 is in...its OFFICIAL

Hmmmm...Mayans got it wrong? or did the people who translated/interpret mistranslated/misinterpreted?

Takde apa2 pun jadikkk....siap aku celebrate at Bkt Bintang lagi...hehehe...habis kena sembur Foam... baik punya!!!

For myself... I have big goals...big dreams...and lots of work to make those dreams come true... 2012...I target to be in a position to have a choice to end the dependence on active income...and have enough passive income to last generations... :-)

Why? Just now... Mom woke up... Lucky I'm home tonight and not at my SOHO.

She couldn't sleep as she had sore back, and asked me to rub/massage her back.

As I was doing that... I looked at this dear loving important person... She has some gray hair... her skin is fair... this is the very woman who gave birth to me...sacrifice everything for me...and times...I hurt her...sooorrrryy Mak... so sorryyyy....I know I"m not the best son...but you are the best Mother I could ever have....sob sob sob

She has some back pain... and all she wants is for me to ease it... she doesn't need my money... she needs my time...and as long as I'm shackled to Active Income as my major source of cashflow generation... Time is pretty hard to give... Attention to my Mother can become a luxury...

I love this woman soooo muchhhh...

As said by my young cousin (thanks Afif)

"every lil' boy best friend is his mom",.... Mak I LOVE U SOOOO MUCHHHHHHHH....

SOOOO very MUCHHHHH.... pls hang in there while I pursue this B-Quadrant Journey...than everything will be soo worthwhile...

Its okay Mak if you don't understand what I do...

The important thing is that I understand what I do...

Especially on What are the things that I can do...once what I do is DONE...


-Sleep.... I need to sleep... I need to sleep