Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How To Understand Others By Understanding Yourself


once upon a morning
Amazing what a less than 3 hours of sleep can do you...

Yet surprisingly...I feel energetic...hmmmm....  I know I should catch a few winks before my head goes to a spin.

But hey...that's life in the E-Quadrant for you...what more in the profession that I am in.... hence I am sooooo glad of the knowledge and wisdom given to me by my mentors in my journey to the B-Quadrant.

I've learnt that kalu mengantuk pun ok... janji jangan marah-marah...

Kalu rasa nak marah-marah jer...I realize, its not really me...its my personality...

hehehehe... and every moment I am aware of this.. I am in control...

Syok gak this knowledge... Got it from my mentors, the book Personality Plus, and the DISC profile I did sometime ago.... and in the journey to the thing I realized is...its not about knowing....its about practising what you know...

So how do u practise and master 'personality'?

Obviously... U need a mentor who's far more experienced and skilled than you...

and I am I have those... If you don't have these type of people around you...than make a choice to surround them :-) ... Make a conscious choice... and they in turn will also surround you.

God has blessed me with the gift of having mentors...

The book  Personality Plus  is extremely interesting...with knowledge more than a thousand years old I guess...tapi syok baca... u can instantly relate to its content, with its easy style of writing...what I realize, there is a difference between who yourself and your personality...

The book lists out the 4 personality type...and you get to identify yours... than you start seeing a lot of oohss and ahhhss if you start reflecting... What I realized is...a lot of B-Quadrant people master this particular knowledge...and hey...if the top 10% are doing it...I should too...

(my morning blabber...chowwww)
Highly recommended reading, even if ur content with E and S quadrant...and when u practice it... U'll be a better person...


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