Tuesday, March 26, 2013

After showing the plan…What to do?

After showing the plan…What to do?
·         When you talk about functions; physically take out the ticket. à else it (the function) will not be 
                                                                                                                      tangible to them.
·         ASK the following questions to get their feedback”
o   Which aspect of the business caught your attention today?
o   System? Passive Income? Products?

·         Then ASK the Following question and proceed with product demo.
-Be equipped with product demo kit -
o   Bio C Plus demo is a must
§  Potassium Permanganate
·         Its purple because it has a lot of oxygen in it.
·         Solution should be readily prepared in demo kit.
·         In 2 small tubes/containers.
·         NOTE: If the prospect shakes it…(especially the brand x) the solution may clear.
o   Of course it CLEARS J…but which is FASTER???
o   Than, try to REMOVE the Brand X from the bottom, they will notice that it hardens/sticks.
o   Nutrilite’s Bio C Plus
§  No colouring
§  No preservatices
§  No Coating
o   L.O.C
§  Do explain, your LOC is actually 1 litre
§  Understand that they are 6 times concentrate.
§  Boot/shoe polish (kiwi), sponge, cotton bud
§  “ Can I borrow your hand?”
·         Tell them to wipe them by themselves: How clean it is àSAVE MONEY

o   Dish Drop
§  Concentration
§  Aloe vera
§  Not acidic, not alkaline
§  Neutral
§  Does not react to your skin
§  1 bottle can wash up to 50,000 plates;
·         If you actually count and it only gets 49,999 àyou can return it to Single Service Provider à SAVE MONEY

o   Renewing Peel
§  Best Seller Artistry product in Malaysia: what it means is…”Malaysians LOVE it!”
§  Use the Evian Spray as well.

o   SA8
§  Note: If they are good, give them a free sample of SA8 for 2 washes.
                      Show catalogue for the entire range à minimum 5% discount for RM90
“So, which area are you interested in?”
“Make Money? Or Save Money?”
(Allow them to answer)
“Your Next Step is…”

·          LOCK your position in the pipeline at RM 90.00
·         You will get your User ID and Password
·         25% discount
·         This gives you the option to understand about one of the partners; not just the products.


2) “We Malaysians like to talk….I’d rather show you than tell you how it works right?”
     “I’d rather show you how to build organizations:-“
     “So…STEP 1 – Find out about the Single Service Provider
              STEP 2 – Find out how we build our organizations”

3) than get a LIST:-
# Use Mitch Sala’s “Decide to Get Good At It”
-          It can potentially give 5-10 names on the spot.
-          Also…show your diary

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